KSK Capital LLC proudly presents brand new vibrant student residential communities located directly at the heart of Dubai International Academic City, the prime destination of higher education in the UAE. Make new friends, meet people from different universities and make your student experience more memorable! With our properties so well located inside Dubai Academic City, it will now only take you few minutes to get to your university.
Our on-site friendly staff are always available at the Welcome Center located at the lobby to take care of your concerns. We will clean your room, receive your courier delivery and even answer your parents’ phone call while you are studying. professional facility management team located on-site are there to address your concerns and provide with the repairs required. The access control system along with the CCTVs and 24/7 security team available on site guarantees your safety and security. The of experienced Residence Assistants along with the Residence Manager will make sure that you are well-informed about all the interesting community events and activities and don’t miss the most interesting ones!
Brand new purposely built student residential community
Our development consists of 2 phases, with Phase 1 student community of 700 rooms scheduled for opening by Fall 2019 Semester, and Phase 2 consisting of 1,200 units following in Fall 2020. Centered around the residents, our Privately Built Student Accommodations will be providing excellent quality, affordable rates and supportive and safe student environment.
We have the biggest variety of social spaces the student accommodation can offer – spacious floor lounges, communal kitchen and dining hall, large game areas, outdoor courtyards and state-of-the-art gym, academic study centers and designer group study rooms and so much more! The only thing you need to worry about is your academic success while our 24/7 on-site team is taking care of you.